"unavailable" tag indexTools that are not yet available for the current release.
a | ||
adv-max-skills | Raises adventurer stats to max. | |
assign-profile | Adjust characteristics of a unit according to saved profiles. | |
autogems (plugin) | Automatically cut rough gems. | |
autogems-reload | Reloads the autogems configuration file. | |
autolabor-artisans | Configures autolabor to produce artisan dwarves. | |
b | ||
binpatch | Applies or removes binary patches. | |
break-dance | Fixes buggy tavern dances. | |
building-hacks (plugin) | Provides a Lua API for creating powered workshops. | |
c | ||
cannibalism | Allows an adventurer to consume sapient corpses. | |
channel-safely | Auto-manage channel designations to keep dwarves safe. | |
color-schemes | Modify the colors used by the DF UI. | |
d | ||
deteriorate | Cause corpses, clothes, and/or food to rot away over time. | |
devel/cmptiles | List or compare two tiletype material groups. | |
devel/inject-raws | Add objects and reactions into an existing world. | |
devel/kill-hf | Kill a historical figure. | |
devel/light | Experiment with lighting overlays. | |
devel/list-filters | List input items for the selected building type. | |
devel/lua-example | An example lua script. | |
devel/nuke-items | Deletes all free items in the game. | |
devel/print-event | Show historical events. | |
devel/test-perlin | Generate an image based on perlin noise. | |
devel/unit-path | Inspect where a unit is going and how it's getting there. | |
devel/watch-minecarts | Inspect minecart coordinates and speeds. | |
digFlood | Digs out veins as they are discovered. | |
diggingInvaders | Invaders dig and destroy to get to your dwarves. | |
do-job-now | Mark the job related to what you're looking at as high priority. | |
dwarf-op | Tune units to perform underrepresented job roles in your fortress. | |
dwarfmonitor | Report on dwarf preferences and efficiency. | |
e | ||
embark-assistant | Embark site selection support. | |
f | ||
fix-ster | Toggle infertility for units. | |
fix/corrupt-equipment | Fixes some game crashes caused by corrupt military equipment. | |
fixnaked | Removes all unhappy thoughts due to lack of clothing. | |
fixveins | Restore missing mineral inclusions. | |
follow | Make the screen follow the selected unit. | |
forget-dead-body | Removes emotions associated with seeing a dead body. | |
forum-dwarves | Exports the text you see on the screen for posting to the forums. | |
g | ||
generated-creature-renamer (plugin) | Automatically renames generated creatures. | |
growcrops | Instantly grow planted seeds into crops. | |
gui/advfort | Perform fort-like jobs in adventure mode. | |
gui/autogems | Automatically cut rough gems. | |
gui/choose-weapons | Ensure military dwarves choose appropriate weapons. | |
gui/clone-uniform | Duplicate an existing military uniform. | |
gui/color-schemes | Modify the colors in the DF UI. | |
gui/companion-order | Issue orders to companions. | |
gui/dfstatus | Show a quick overview of critical stock quantities. | |
gui/extended-status | Add information on beds and bedrooms to the status screen. | |
gui/guide-path | Visualize minecart guide paths. | |
gui/kitchen-info | Show food item uses in the kitchen status screen. | |
gui/load-screen | Replace DF's continue game screen with a searchable list. | |
gui/manipulator | Multi-function unit management interface. | |
gui/power-meter | Allow pressure plates to measure power. | |
gui/room-list | Manage rooms owned by a dwarf. | |
gui/siege-engine | Extend the functionality and usability of siege engines. | |
gui/stamper | Copy, paste, and transform dig designations. | |
gui/stockpiles | Import and export stockpile settings. | |
gui/workflow | Manage automated item production rules. | |
gui/workorder-details | Adjust input materials and traits for workorders. | |
gui/workshop-job | Adjust the input materials used for a job at a workshop. | |
h | ||
hotkey-notes | Show info on DF map location hotkeys. | |
j | ||
jobutils (plugin) | Provides commands for interacting with jobs. | |
job | Inspect or modify details of workshop jobs. | |
job-duplicate | Duplicates the highlighted job. | |
job-material | Alters the material of the selected job. | |
l | ||
list-generated | List the token names of all generated creatures. | |
labormanager | Automatically manage dwarf labors. | |
launch | Thrash your enemies with a flying suplex. | |
linger | Take control of your adventurer's killer. | |
load-save | Load a savegame. | |
m | ||
manipulator (plugin) | An in-game labor management interface. | |
map-render (plugin) | Provides a Lua API for re-rendering portions of the map. | |
mode | See and change the game mode. | |
modtools/anonymous-script | Run dynamically generated script code. | |
modtools/change-build-menu | Add or remove items from the build sidebar menus. | |
modtools/create-tree | Spawn trees. | |
modtools/create-unit | Create arbitrary units. | |
modtools/equip-item | Force a unit to equip an item. | |
modtools/extra-gamelog | Write info to the gamelog for Soundsense. | |
modtools/fire-rate | Alter the fire rate of ranged weapons. | |
modtools/interaction-trigger | Run DFHack commands when a unit attacks or defends. | |
modtools/invader-item-destroyer | Destroy invader items when they die. | |
modtools/moddable-gods | Create deities. | |
modtools/outside-only | Set building inside/outside restrictions. | |
modtools/pref-edit | Modify unit preferences. | |
modtools/projectile-trigger | Run DFHack commands when projectiles hit their targets. | |
modtools/random-trigger | Randomly select DFHack scripts to run. | |
modtools/raw-lint | Check for errors in raw files. | |
modtools/reaction-product-trigger | Call DFHack commands when reaction products are produced. | |
modtools/reaction-trigger | Run DFHack commands when custom reactions complete. | |
modtools/reaction-trigger-transition | Help create reaction triggers. | |
modtools/set-belief | Change the beliefs/values of a unit. | |
modtools/set-need | Change the needs of a unit. | |
modtools/set-personality | Change a unit's personality. | |
modtools/spawn-flow | Creates flows at the specified location. | |
modtools/syndrome-trigger | Trigger DFHack commands when units acquire syndromes. | |
modtools/transform-unit | Transform a unit into another unit type. | |
n | ||
names | Rename units or items with the DF name generator. | |
p | ||
power-meter (plugin) | Allow pressure plates to measure power. | |
prefchange | Set strange mood preferences. | |
putontable | Make an item appear on a table. | |
q | ||
questport | Teleport to your quest log map cursor. | |
r | ||
rendermax | Modify the map lighting. | |
s | ||
save-generated-raws | Export a creature graphics file for modding. | |
season-palette | Swap color palettes when the seasons change. | |
siege-engine (plugin) | Extend the functionality and usability of siege engines. | |
siren | Wake up sleeping units and stop parties. | |
spawnunit | Create a unit. | |
steam-engine (plugin) | Allow modded steam engine buildings to function. | |
stockflow | Queue manager jobs based on free space in stockpiles. | |
stocks | Enhanced fortress stock management interface. | |
t | ||
tidlers | Change where the idlers count is displayed. | |
title-folder (plugin) | Displays the DF folder name in the window title bar. | |
v | ||
view-item-info | Extend item and unit descriptions with more information. | |
view-unit-reports | Show combat reports for a unit. | |
w | ||
workflow | Manage automated item production rules. | |
z | ||
zone | Manage activity zones, cages, and the animals therein. |