"fort" tag index

Tools that are useful while in fort mode.

3 | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | z
3dveins Rewrite layer veins to expand in 3D space.
adaptation Adjust a unit's cave adaptation level.
add-recipe Add crafting recipes to a civ.
add-spatter (plugin) Make tagged reactions produce contaminants.
add-thought Adds a thought to the selected unit.
allneeds Show the cumulative needs of all citizens.
animal-control Quickly view, butcher, or geld groups of animals.
armoks-blessing Bless units with superior stats and traits.
assign-attributes Adjust physical and mental attributes.
assign-beliefs Adjust a unit's beliefs and values.
assign-facets Adjust a unit's facets and traits.
assign-goals Adjust a unit's goals and dreams.
assign-minecarts Assign minecarts to hauling routes.
assign-preferences Adjust a unit's preferences.
assign-profile Adjust characteristics of a unit according to saved profiles.
assign-skills Adjust a unit's skills.
autobutcher Automatically butcher excess livestock.
autochop Auto-harvest trees when low on stockpiled logs.
autoclothing Automatically manage clothing work orders.
autodump Instantly gather or destroy items marked for dumping.
autodump-destroy-here Destroy items marked for dumping under the keyboard cursor.
autofarm Automatically manage farm crop selection.
autofish Auto-manage fishing labors to control your stock of fish.
autogems (plugin) Automatically cut rough gems.
autogems-reload Reloads the autogems configuration file.
autolabor Automatically manage dwarf labors.
autolabor-artisans Configures autolabor to produce artisan dwarves.
automelt (plugin) Quickly designate items to be melted.
autonestbox Auto-assign egg-laying female pets to nestbox zones.
autonick Give dwarves random unique nicknames.
autoslab (plugin) Automatically engrave slabs for ghostly citizens.
autotrade (plugin) Quickly designate items to be traded.
alltraffic Set traffic designations for every single tile of the map.
ban-cooking Protect entire categories of ingredients from being cooked.
blueprint Record a live game map in a quickfort blueprint.
brainwash Set the personality of a dwarf to an ideal.
break-dance Fixes buggy tavern dances.
build-now Instantly completes building construction jobs.
building-hacks (plugin) Provides a Lua API for creating powered workshops.
buildingplan Plan building layouts with or without materials.
burial Configures all unowned coffins to allow burial.
burrows (plugin) Auto-expand burrows as you dig.
burrow Quickly add units/tiles to burrows.
bprobe Display low-level properties of the selected building.
caravan Adjust properties of caravans on the map.
catsplosion Cause pregnancies.
changeitem Change item material or base quality.
changelayer Change the material of an entire geology layer.
changevein Change the material of a mineral inclusion.
channel-safely Auto-manage channel designations to keep dwarves safe.
cleanconst Cleans up construction materials.
cleaners (plugin) Provides commands for cleaning spatter from the map.
clean Removes contaminants.
cleanowned Confiscates and dumps garbage owned by dwarves.
clear-smoke Removes all smoke from the map.
clear-webs Removes all webs from the map.
colonies Manipulate vermin colonies and hives.
color-schemes Modify the colors used by the DF UI.
combat-harden Set the combat-hardened value on a unit.
combine Combine stacks of food and plants.
confirm Adds confirmation dialogs for destructive actions.
createitem Create arbitrary items.
cursecheck Check for cursed creatures.
cprobe Display low-level properties of the selected unit.
deathcause Find out the cause of death for a creature.
deep-embark Start a fort deep underground.
deramp Removes all ramps designated for removal from the map.
deteriorate Cause corpses, clothes, and/or food to rot away over time.
dig (plugin) Provides commands for designating tiles for digging.
digv Designate all of the selected vein for digging.
digvx Dig a vein across z-levels, digging stairs as needed.
digl Dig all of the selected layer stone.
diglx Dig layer stone across z-levels, digging stairs as needed.
digcircle Designate circles.
digtype Designate all vein tiles of the same type as the selected tile.
digexp Designate dig patterns for exploratory mining.
dig-now Instantly complete dig designations.
digFlood Digs out veins as they are discovered.
diggingInvaders Invaders dig and destroy to get to your dwarves.
do-job-now Mark the job related to what you're looking at as high priority.
drain-aquifer Remove all aquifers on the map.
dwarf-op Tune units to perform underrepresented job roles in your fortress.
dwarfmonitor Report on dwarf preferences and efficiency.
dwarfvet Allows animals to be treated at animal hospitals.
elevate-mental Set mental attributes of a dwarf to an ideal.
elevate-physical Set physical attributes of a dwarf to an ideal.
embark-assistant Embark site selection support.
embark-skills Adjust dwarves' skills when embarking.
emigration Allow dwarves to emigrate from the fortress when stressed.
empty-bin Empty the contents of containers onto the floor.
exterminate Kill things.
extinguish Put out fires.
fastdwarf Dwarves teleport and/or finish jobs instantly.
feature Control discovery flags for map features.
fillneeds Temporarily satisfy the needs of a unit.
filltraffic Set traffic designations using flood-fill starting at the cursor.
firestarter Lights things on fire.
fix-ster Toggle infertility for units.
fix-unit-occupancy Fix phantom unit occupancy issues.
fix/blood-del Removes unusable liquids from caravan manifests.
fix/civil-war Removes a civil war.
fix/corrupt-equipment Fixes some game crashes caused by corrupt military equipment.
fix/dead-units Remove dead units from the list so migrants can arrive again.
fix/drop-webs Make floating webs drop to the ground.
fix/dry-buckets Allow discarded water buckets to be used again.
fix/general-strike Prevent dwarves from getting stuck and refusing to work.
fix/item-occupancy Fixes errors with phantom items occupying site.
fix/loyaltycascade Halts loyalty cascades where dwarves are fighting dwarves.
fix/population-cap Ensure the population cap is respected.
fix/protect-nicks Fix nicknames being erased or not displayed
fix/retrieve-units Allow stuck offscreen units to enter the map.
fix/stable-temp Solve FPS issues caused by fluctuating temperature.
fix/stuck-merchants Dismiss merchants that are stuck off the edge of the map.
fix/stuckdoors Allow doors that are stuck open to close.
fix/tile-occupancy Fix tile occupancy flags.
fixnaked Removes all unhappy thoughts due to lack of clothing.
fixveins Restore missing mineral inclusions.
flows Counts map blocks with flowing liquids.
follow Make the screen follow the selected unit.
forbid Forbid and list forbidden items on the map.
force Trigger in-game events.
forceequip Move items into a unit's inventory.
forget-dead-body Removes emotions associated with seeing a dead body.
full-heal Fully heal the selected unit.
gaydar Shows the sexual orientation of units.
geld Geld and ungeld animals.
generated-creature-renamer (plugin) Automatically renames generated creatures.
getplants Designate trees for chopping and shrubs for gathering.
growcrops Instantly grow planted seeds into crops.
gui/autobutcher Automatically butcher excess livestock.
gui/autochop Auto-harvest trees when low on stockpiled logs.
gui/autofish Auto-manage fishing labors to control your stock of fish.
gui/autogems Automatically cut rough gems.
gui/automelt Quickly designate items to be melted.
gui/blueprint Record a live game map in a quickfort blueprint.
gui/choose-weapons Ensure military dwarves choose appropriate weapons.
gui/civ-alert Quickly get your civilians to safety.
gui/clone-uniform Duplicate an existing military uniform.
gui/confirm Configure which confirmation dialogs are enabled.
gui/create-item Magically summon any item.
gui/create-tree Create a tree.
gui/dfstatus Show a quick overview of critical stock quantities.
gui/extended-status Add information on beds and bedrooms to the status screen.
gui/family-affairs Inspect or meddle with romantic relationships.
gui/guide-path Visualize minecart guide paths.
gui/kitchen-info Show food item uses in the kitchen status screen.
gui/liquids Interactively paint liquids onto the map.
gui/manager-quantity Set the quantity of the selected manager workorder.
gui/mass-remove Mass select buildings and constructions to suspend or remove.
gui/masspit Designate creatures for pitting.
gui/mechanisms List mechanisms and links connected to a building.
gui/pathable Highlights tiles reachable from the selected tile.
gui/petitions Show information about your fort's petitions.
gui/power-meter Allow pressure plates to measure power.
gui/quantum Quickly and easily create quantum stockpiles.
gui/quickfort Apply pre-designed blueprints to your fort.
gui/rename Give buildings and units new names, optionally with special chars.
gui/room-list Manage rooms owned by a dwarf.
gui/seedwatch Manages seed and plant cooking based on seed stock levels.
gui/siege-engine Extend the functionality and usability of siege engines.
gui/stamper Copy, paste, and transform dig designations.
gui/stockpiles Import and export stockpile settings.
gui/teleport Teleport a unit anywhere.
gui/unit-info-viewer Display detailed information about a unit.
gui/unit-syndromes Inspect syndrome details.
gui/workflow Manage automated item production rules.
gui/workorder-details Adjust input materials and traits for workorders.
gui/workshop-job Adjust the input materials used for a job at a workshop.
hermit Go it alone in your fortress and attempt the hermit challenge.
hfs-pit Creates a pit straight to the underworld.
hotkey-notes Show info on DF map location hotkeys.
infiniteSky Automatically allocate new z-levels of sky
jobutils (plugin) Provides commands for interacting with jobs.
job Inspect or modify details of workshop jobs.
job-duplicate Duplicates the highlighted job.
job-material Alters the material of the selected job.
list-generated List the token names of all generated creatures.
labormanager Automatically manage dwarf labors.
lair Mark the map as a monster lair.
lever Inspect and pull levers.
light-aquifers-only Change heavy and varied aquifers to light aquifers.
liquids Place magma, water or obsidian.
liquids-here Spawn liquids on the selected tile.
list-agreements List guildhall and temple agreements.
list-waves Show migration wave information for your dwarves.
locate-ore Scan the map for metal ores.
make-legendary Boost skills of the selected dwarf.
make-monarch Crown the selected unit as a monarch.
makeown Converts the selected unit to be a fortress citizen.
manipulator (plugin) An in-game labor management interface.
max-wave Dynamically limit the next immigration wave.
migrants-now Trigger a migrant wave.
misery Increase the intensity of your citizens' negative thoughts.
mousequery Adds mouse controls to the DF interface.
names Rename units or items with the DF name generator.
nestboxes (plugin) Protect fertile eggs incubating in a nestbox.
nopause Disable pausing.
open-legends Open a legends screen from fort or adventure mode.
orders Manage manager orders.
petcapRemover Modify the pet population cap.
plants (plugin) Provides commands that interact with plants.
plant Create a plant or make an existing plant grow up.
points Sets available points at the embark screen.
pop-control Controls population and migration caps persistently per-fort.
position Report cursor and mouse position, along with other info.
power-meter (plugin) Allow pressure plates to measure power.
pref-adjust Set the preferences of a dwarf to an ideal.
prefchange Set strange mood preferences.
prioritize Automatically boost the priority of selected job types.
probe Display low-level properties of the selected tile.
prospector (plugin) Provides commands that help you analyze natural resources.
prospect Shows a summary of resources that exist on the map.
putontable Make an item appear on a table.
quickfort Apply pre-designed blueprints to your fort.
quicksave Immediately autosave the game.
restrictice Restrict traffic on all tiles on top of visible ice.
restrictliquids Restrict traffic on all visible tiles with liquid.
region-pops Change regional animal populations.
regrass Regrow all the grass.
rejuvenate Resets unit age.
remove-stress Reduce stress values for fortress dwarves.
remove-wear Remove wear from items in your fort.
rename Easily rename things.
rendermax Modify the map lighting.
reveal Reveals the map.
revforget Discard records about what was visible before revealing the map.
revtoggle Switch between reveal and unreveal.
revflood Hide everything, then reveal tiles with a path to a unit.
reveal-hidden-sites Reveal all sites in the world.
reveal-hidden-units Reveal sneaking units.
spotclean Remove all contaminants from the tile under the cursor.
save-generated-raws Export a creature graphics file for modding.
search (plugin) Adds search capabilities to the UI.
season-palette Swap color palettes when the seasons change.
seedwatch Manages seed and plant cooking based on seed stock levels.
set-orientation Alter a unit's romantic inclinations.
set-timeskip-duration Modify the duration of the pre-game world update.
showmood Shows all items needed for the active strange mood.
siege-engine (plugin) Extend the functionality and usability of siege engines.
siren Wake up sleeping units and stop parties.
sort (plugin) Sort lists shown in the DF interface.
sort-items Sort the visible item list.
sort-units Sort the visible unit list.
source Create an infinite magma or water source.
spawnunit Create a unit.
spectate Automatically follow productive dwarves.
startdwarf Increase the number of dwarves you embark with.
starvingdead Prevent infinite accumulation of roaming undead.
steam-engine (plugin) Allow modded steam engine buildings to function.
stockflow Queue manager jobs based on free space in stockpiles.
stockpiles Import, export, or modify stockpile settings and features.
stocks Enhanced fortress stock management interface.
stonesense A 3D isometric visualizer.
ssense An alias for stonesense.
strangemood Trigger a strange mood.
stripcaged Remove items from caged prisoners.
superdwarf Make a dwarf supernaturally speedy.
suspend Suspends building construction jobs.
suspendmanager Intelligently suspend and unsuspend jobs.
tailor Automatically keep your dwarves in fresh clothing.
tame Tame and train animals.
teleport Teleport a unit anywhere.
tiletypes Paints tiles of specified types onto the map.
tiletypes-command Run tiletypes commands.
tiletypes-here Paint map tiles starting from the cursor.
tiletypes-here-point Paint the map tile under the cursor.
timestream Fix FPS death.
trackstop (plugin) Add dynamic configuration options for track stops.
troubleshoot-item Inspect properties of the selected item.
tubefill Replenishes mined-out adamantine.
tweak A collection of tweaks and bugfixes.
unreveal Hides previously hidden tiles again.
undump-buildings Undesignate building base materials for dumping.
unforbid Unforbid all items.
ungeld Undo gelding for an animal.
uniform-unstick Make military units reevaluate their uniforms.
unsuspend Unsuspends building construction jobs.
view-item-info Extend item and unit descriptions with more information.
view-unit-reports Show combat reports for a unit.
warn-starving Report units that are dangerously hungry, thirsty, or drowsy.
warn-stealers Watch for and warn about units that like to steal your stuff.
weather Change the weather.
workNow Reduce the time that dwarves idle after completing a job.
workflow Manage automated item production rules.
workorder Create manager workorders.
workorder-recheck Recheck start conditions for a manager workorder.
zone Manage activity zones, cages, and the animals therein.