
Tags: unavailable | fort | armok | units

Command: add-thought

Adds a thought to the selected unit.


add-thought --gui [--unit <id>]

Allows you to choose the thought to apply to the selected (or specified) unit through a series of graphical prompts.

add-thought [--unit <id>] [<options>]

Add a thought to the selected (or specified) unit.


add-thought --gui

Add a thought to the unit currently selected in the UI.

add-thought --unit 23142 --emotion GRATITUDE --thought GoodMeal --strength 1

Make unit 23142 feel a light sense of gratitude for eating a good meal.


--emotion <id>

Specifies an emotion for the unit to associate with the given thought. To see a list of possible emotions, run :lua @df.emotion_type. If not specified, defaults to -1 (i.e. no emotion).

--thought <id>

The thought. To see a list of possible thoughts, run :lua @df.unit_thought_type. If not specified, defaults to 180, or NeedsUnfulfilled. The id could also be the name of a syndrome. To see a list of syndromes in your world, run devel/query --table --search syn_name --maxdepth 1. The id is the numerical index and the syn_name field is the name.

--subthought <id>

The subthought identifier. If the thought is the name of a syndrome, then the subthought should be the syndrome id. If not specified, defaults to 0 (which is what you want for most thought types).

--strength <strength>

The strength of the emotion, corresponding to the strength of the need that this emotion might cause or fulfill. Common values for this are 1 (Slight need), 2 (Moderate need), 5 (Strong need), and 10 (Intense need). If not specified, defaults to 0.

--severity <severity>

If the thought is the name of a syndrome, then the severity will be used as the severity of the syndrome.