
Tags: fort | productivity | items

Command: stripcaged

Remove items from caged prisoners.

This tool helps with the tedious task of going through all your cages and marking the items inside for dumping. This lets you get leftover seeds out of cages after you tamed the animals inside. The most popular use, though, is to strip the weapons and armor from caged prisoners. After you run stripcaged, your dwarves will come and take the items to the garbage dump, leaving your cages clean and your prisoners stripped bare.

If you don’t want to wait for your dwarves to dump all the items, you can use autodump to speed the process along.


stripcaged list
stripcaged items|weapons|armor|all [here|<cage id> ...] [<options>]


stripcaged list

Display a list of all cages and their item contents.

stripcaged all

Dump all items in all cages, equipped by a creature or not.

stripcaged items

Dump loose items in all cages, such as seeds left over from animal training.

stripcaged weapons

Dump weapons equipped by caged creatures.

stripcaged armor here --skip-forbidden

Dumps unforbidden armor equipped by the caged creature in the selected cage.

stripcaged all 25321 34228

Dumps all items out of the specified cages.

stripcaged items here --include-pets --include-vermin

Dumps loose items in the selected cage, including any tamed/untamed vermin.


--include-pets, --include-vermin

Live tame (pets) and untamed vermin are considered items by the game. They are normally excluded from dumping since that risks them escaping or dying from your cats. Use these options to dump them anyway.

-f, --skip-forbidden

Items to be marked for dumping are unforbidden by default. Use this option to instead only act on unforbidden items, and leave forbidden items forbidden. This allows you to, for example, manually unforbid high-value items from the stocks menu (like steel) and then have stripcaged just act on the unforbidden items.