
If your most valuable citizens are getting old, this tool can save them. It decreases the age of the selected dwarf to the minimum adult age, or to the age specified. Age can only be increased (e.g. when this tool is run on babies or children) if the --force option is specified.


rejuvenate [<options>]



Set the age of the selected dwarf to 18 (if they’re older than 18). The target age may be different if you have modded dwarves to become an adult at a different age, or if you have selected a unit that is not a dwarf.

rejuvenate --all

Set the ages of all adult citizens and residents to their minimum adult ages.

rejuvenate --all --force

Set the ages of all citizens and residents (including children and babies) to their minimum adult ages.

rejuvenate --age 149 --force

Set the age of the selected dwarf to 149, even if they are younger.



Rejuvenate all citizens and residents instead of a selected unit.

--age <num>

Sets the target to the age specified. If this is not set, the target age defaults to the minimum adult age for the unit.


Set age for units under the specified age to the specified age. Useful if there are too many babies around…


Only list units that would be changed; don’t actually change ages.