
This command can refresh the grass (and subterranean moss) growing on your map. Operates on floors, stairs, and ramps. Also works underneath shrubs, saplings, and tree trunks. Ignores furrowed soil and wet sand (beaches).


regrass [<pos> [<pos>]] [<options>]

Regrasses the entire map by default, restricted to compatible tiles in map blocks that had grass at some point. Supplying a pos argument can limit operation to a single tile. Supplying both can operate on a cuboid region. pos should normally be in the form 0,0,0, without spaces. The string here can be used in place of numeric coordinates to use the position of the keyboard cursor, if active. The --block and --zlevel options use the pos values differently.



Regrass the entire map, refilling existing and depleted grass.

regrass here

Regrass the selected tile, refilling existing and depleted grass.

regrass here 0,0,90 --zlevel

Regrass all z-levels including the selected tile’s z-level through z-level 90, refilling existing and depleted grass.

regrass 0,0,100 19,19,119 --ashes --mud

Regrass tiles in the 20 x 20 x 20 cube defined by the coords, refilling existing and depleted grass, and converting ashes and muddy stone. Fails in any block that never had grass.

regrass 10,10,100 -baudnm

Regrass the block that contains the given coord. Converts ashes, muddy stone, and tiles under buildings. Adds all compatible grass types and fills each grass type to max.

regrass -f

Regrass the entire map, refilling existing and depleted grass, else filling with a single randomly selected grass type if non-existent.

regrass -l

Print all valid grass raw IDs for use with --plant. Both numerical and string IDs are provided. This ignores all other options and skips regrass.

regrass -zf -p 128

Regrass the current z-level, refilling existing and depleted grass, else filling with underlichen (subject to world’s raws) if non-existent.

regrass here -bnf -p "dog's tooth grass"

Regrass the selected block, adding all compatible grass types to block data, and dog's tooth grass if no compatible types exist for a tile. Refill existing grass on each tile, else select a compatible (or forced) type if depleted or previously non-existent.


-l, --list

List all available grass raw IDs that you can later pass to the --plant option. The map will not be affected when running with this option.

-m, --max

Maxes out every grass type in the tile, giving extra grazing time. Not normal DF behavior. The tile will appear to be the first type of grass present in the map block until that is depleted for the tile, moving on to the next type. Ignores biome compatibility per tile, using every type present in the block data. When this option isn’t used, non-depleted grass tiles will have their existing type refilled, while grass-depleted soils will have a type selected randomly.

-n, --new

Adds all biome-compatible grass types that were not originally present in the map block. Allows regrass to work in blocks that never had any grass to begin with. Will still fail in incompatible biomes.

-f, --force

Force a grass type on tiles with no compatible grass types. Unsets the no_grow flag on all tiles. The --new option takes precedence for compatible biomes, otherwise such tiles will be forced instead. By default, a single random grass type is selected from the world’s raws to be the forced type for the duration of the command. The --plant option allows a specific grass type to be specified.

-p, --plant <grass_id>

Specify a grass type for the --force option. grass_id is not case-sensitive, but must be enclosed in quotes if spaces exist. A numerical ID can also be used.

-a, --ashes

Regrass tiles that’ve been burnt to ash. Usually ash must revert to soil first before grass can regrow.

-d, --buildings

Regrass tiles under certain passable building tiles including stockpiles, planned buildings, workshops, and farms. (Farms will convert grass tiles to furrowed soil after a short while, but is useful with the --mud option.) Doesn’t work on “dynamic” buildings such as doors and floor grates. (Dynamic buildings also include levers and cage traps, for some reason.) Existing grass tiles will always be refilled, regardless of building tile.

-u, --mud

Converts non-smoothed, mud-spattered stone into grass.

-b, --block

Only regrass the map block that contains the first pos argument. devel/block-borders can be used to visualize map blocks.

-z, --zlevel

Regrass entire z-levels. Will do all z-levels between pos arguments if both are given, z-level of first pos if one is given, else z-level of current view if no pos is given.


Use debugfilter set Debug regrass log (or debugfilter set Trace regrass log for more detail) to figure out why regrass is failing on a tile. (Avoid regrassing large parts of the map with this enabled, as it will make the game unresponsive and flood the console for several minutes!)

Disable with debugfilter set Info regrass log.