
This tool has two modes. When enabled, it monitors burrows with names that end in +. If a wall at the edge of such a burrow is dug out, the burrow will be automatically extended to include the newly-revealed adjacent walls. If a miner digs into an open space, such as a cavern, the open space will not be included in the burrow.

When run as a command, it can quickly adjust which tiles and/or units are associated with the burrow.


enable burrow
burrow tiles|units clear <target burrow> [<target burrow> ...] [<options>]
burrow tiles|units set|add|remove <target burrow> <burrow> [...] [<options>]
burrow tiles box-add|box-remove <target burrow> [<pos>] [<pos>] [<options>]
burrow tiles flood-add|flood-remove <target burrow> [<options>]

The burrows can be referenced by name or by the internal numeric burrow ID. If referenced by name, the first burrow that matches the name (case sensitive) will be targeted. If a burrow name ends in + (to indicate that it should be auto-expanded), the final + does not need to be specified on the commandline.

For set, add, or remove commands, instead of a burrow, you can specify one of the following all-caps keywords:






  • DARK



to add or remove tiles with the corresponding properties.

Flood fill selects tiles spreading out from a starting tile if they:

  • match the inside/outside and hidden/revealed properties of the starting tile

  • match the walkability group of the starting tile OR (if the starting tile is walkable) is adjacent to a tile with the same walkability group as the starting tile

When flood adding, the flood fill will also stop at any tiles that have already been added to the burrow. Similarly for flood removing, the flood will also stop at tiles that are not in the burrow.


enable burrow

Start monitoring burrows that have names ending in ‘+’ and automatically expand them when walls that border the burrows are dug out.

burrow tiles clear Safety

Remove all tiles from the burrow named Safety (in preparation for adding new tiles elsewhere, presumably).

burrow units clear Farmhouse Workshops

Remove all units from the burrows named Farmhouse and Workshops.

multicmd burrow tiles set Inside INSIDE; burrow tiles remove Inside HIDDEN

Reset the burrow named Inside to include all the currently revealed, interior tiles.

burrow units set "Core Fort" Peasants Skilled

Clear all units from the burrow named Core Fort, then add units currently assigned to the Peasants and Skilled burrows.

burrow tiles box-add Safety 0,0,0

Add all tiles to the burrow named Safety that are within the volume of the box starting at coordinate 0, 0, 0 (the upper left corner of the bottom level) and ending at the current location of the keyboard cursor.

burrow tiles flood-add Safety --cur-zlevel

Flood-add the tiles on the current z-level with the same properties as the tile under the keyboard cursor to the burrow named Safety.


-c, --cursor <pos>

Indicate the starting position of the box or flood fill. If not specified, the position of the keyboard cursor is used.

-z, --cur-zlevel

Restricts a flood fill operation to the currently visible z-level.


If you are auto-expanding a burrow (whose name ends in a +) and the miner who is digging to expand the burrow is assigned to that burrow, then 1-wide corridors that expand the burrow will have very slow progress. This is because the burrow is expanded to include the next dig job only after the miner has chosen a next tile to dig, which may be far away. 2-wide cooridors are much more efficient when expanding a burrow since the “next” tile to dig will still be nearby.


When painting burrows in the vanilla UI, a few extra mouse operations are supported. If you box select across multiple z-levels, you will be able to select the entire volume instead of just the selected area on the z-level that you are currently looking at.

In addition, you can enable a mode where double-clicking will flood fill from a target tile. If 2D flood fill is enabled, then the flood fill will not extend beyond the current z-level. It will stop at walls, forbidden doors, closed gates, and boundaries between inside and outside. When the flood hits a wall boundary, it includes one tile of wall so that units inside the burrow can interact with the walls (e.g. dig, smooth, or engrave).

If 3D flood fill is enabled, then the flood will follow stairways and ramps – anywhere a unit standing on the target tile can path to. If you start a flood fill in mid-air, then the flood will extend to other adjacent air tiles.

The box and flood fill actions respect the UI setting for whether the burrow is being added to or erased.