Annoyed that your carefully bred dragons become useless after a minor injury? Well, with dwarfvet, injured animals will be treated at a hospital. Dwarves with the Animal Caretaker labor enabled will come to the hospital to treat the animals. Normal medical skills are used (and trained), but no experience is given to the Animal Caretaker skill itself.
If an injured animal is assigned to a pasture, it will be temporarily unassigned from the pasture while in treatment. The animal will be reassigned to its original pasture shortly after recovery.
Animals that are on restraints or in cages will not be designated for treatment. Animals require an empty tile of floor to rest on while recovering, so your hospital must have some unoccupied floor space in order for animals to use it.
You can enable dwarfvet
in gui/control-panel, and you can choose to start
automatically in new forts in the Gameplay
-> Autostart
enable dwarfvet
dwarfvet [status]
dwarfvet now
Report on how many animals are being treated and how many are in need of treatment.
dwarfvet now
Assign injured animals to a free floor spot in a nearby hospital, regardless of whether the plugin is enabled.