
Runs the equivalent of rejuvenate, elevate-physical, elevate-mental, and brainwash on all dwarves currently on the map. This is an extreme change, which sets every stat and trait to an ideal easy-to-satisfy preference.



Adjust stats and personalities to an ideal for all dwarves. No skills will be modified.

armoks-blessing all

In addition to the stat and personality adjustments, set all skills for all dwarves to legendary.

armoks-blessing list

Prints list of all skills.

armoks-blessing classes

Prints list of all skill classes (i.e. named groups of skills).

armoks-blessing <skill name>

Set a specific skill for all dwarves to legendary.

armoks-blessing <class name>

Set a specific class (group of skills) for all dwarves to legendary.


armoks-blessing Medical

All dwarves will have all medical related skills set to legendary.

armoks-blessing RANGED_COMBAT

All dwarves become legendary archers.