| | |
a | |
alias |
Configure helper aliases for other DFHack commands. |
| | |
c | |
cls |
Clear the terminal screen. |
control-panel |
Configure DFHack and manage active DFHack tools. |
| | |
d | |
die |
Instantly exit DF without saving. |
disable |
Deactivate a DFHack tool that has some persistent effect. |
| | |
e | |
enable |
Activate a DFHack tool that has some persistent effect. |
| | |
f | |
fpause |
Forces DF to pause. |
| | |
g | |
gui/control-panel |
Configure DFHack and manage active DFHack tools. |
gui/cp437-table |
Virtual keyboard for typing with the mouse. |
gui/gm-editor |
Inspect and edit DF game data. |
gui/gm-unit |
Inspect and edit unit attributes. |
gui/launcher |
In-game DFHack command launcher with integrated help. |
gui/mod-manager |
Save and restore lists of active mods. |
gui/overlay |
Reposition DFHack overlay widgets. |
gui/prerelease-warning |
Shows a warning if you are using a pre-release build of DFHack. |
gui/quickcmd |
Quickly run saved commands. |
| | |
h | |
help |
Display help about a command or plugin. |
hide |
Hide the DFHack terminal window. |
hotkeys |
Show all DFHack keybindings for the current context. |
| | |
i | |
install-info |
Exports information about DFHack for bug reports. |
| | |
k | |
keybinding |
Create hotkeys that will run DFHack commands. |
kill-lua |
Gracefully stop any currently-running Lua scripts. |
| | |
l | |
load |
Load and register a plugin library. |
ls |
List available DFHack commands. |
lua |
Run Lua script commands. |
| | |
m | |
multicmd |
Run multiple DFHack commands. |
| | |
o | |
on-new-fortress |
Run commands when a fortress is first started. |
once-per-save |
Run commands only if they haven't been run before in this world. |
overlay |
Manage on-screen overlay widgets. |
| | |
p | |
plug |
List available plugins and whether they are enabled. |
position |
Report cursor and mouse position, along with other info. |
| | |
q | |
quicksave |
Immediately autosave the game. |
| | |
r | |
reload |
Reload a loaded plugin. |
repeat |
Call a DFHack command at a periodic interval. |
| | |
s | |
sc-script |
Run commands when game state changes occur. |
script |
Execute a batch file of DFHack commands. |
setfps |
Set the graphics FPS cap. |
show |
Unhides the DFHack terminal window. |
| | |
t | |
tags |
List the categories of DFHack tools or the tools with those tags. |
type |
Describe how a command is implemented. |
| | |
u | |
unload |
Unload a plugin from memory. |