"auto" tag index

Tools that run in the background and automatically manage routine, toilsome aspects of your fortress.

a | b | g | i | l | n | p | s | t | u
autobutcher Automatically butcher excess livestock.
autocheese Schedule cheese making jobs based on milk reserves.
autochop Auto-harvest trees when low on stockpiled logs.
autoclothing Automatically manage clothing work orders.
autofarm Automatically manage farm crop selection.
autofish Auto-manage fishing labors to control your stock of fish.
autolabor Automatically manage dwarf labors.
autonestbox Auto-assign egg-laying adult female pets to nestbox zones.
autoslab (plugin) Automatically engrave slabs for ghostly citizens.
burrow Quickly adjust burrow tiles and units.
gui/autobutcher Automatically butcher excess livestock.
gui/autochop Auto-harvest trees when low on stockpiled logs.
gui/autofish Auto-manage fishing labors to control your stock of fish.
gui/seedwatch Manages seed and plant cooking based on seed stock levels.
infinite-sky Automatically allocate new z-levels of sky.
logistics Automatically mark and route items in monitored stockpiles.
nestboxes (plugin) Protect fertile eggs incubating in a nestbox.
prioritize Automatically boost the priority of important job types.
seedwatch Manages seed and plant cooking based on seed stock levels.
suspendmanager Intelligently suspend and unsuspend jobs.
tailor Automatically keep your dwarves in fresh clothing.
unsuspend Resume suspended building construction jobs.