"stockpiles" tag index

Tools that interact with stockpiles.

a | b | c | g | q | r | s
automelt (plugin) Quickly designate items to be melted.
autotrade (plugin) Quickly designate items to be traded.
blueprint Record a live game map in a quickfort blueprint.
combine Combine stacks of food and plants.
gui/automelt Quickly designate items to be melted.
gui/blueprint Record a live game map in a quickfort blueprint.
gui/gm-editor Inspect and edit DF game data.
gui/mass-remove Mass select buildings and constructions to suspend or remove.
gui/quantum Quickly and easily create quantum stockpiles.
gui/quickfort Apply pre-designed blueprints to your fort.
gui/rename Give buildings and units new names, optionally with special chars.
gui/stockpiles Import and export stockpile settings.
quickfort Apply pre-designed blueprints to your fort.
rename Easily rename things.
stockflow Queue manager jobs based on free space in stockpiles.
stockpiles Import, export, or modify stockpile settings and features.