"design" tag index

Tools that help you design your fort.

a | b | d | f | g | i | q | r | s
alltraffic Set traffic designations for every single tile of the map.
blueprint Record a live game map in a quickfort blueprint.
buildingplan Plan building layouts with or without materials.
burrows (plugin) Auto-expand burrows as you dig.
burrow Quickly add units/tiles to burrows.
dig (plugin) Provides commands for designating tiles for digging.
digv Designate all of the selected vein for digging.
digvx Dig a vein across z-levels, digging stairs as needed.
digl Dig all of the selected layer stone.
diglx Dig layer stone across z-levels, digging stairs as needed.
digcircle Designate circles.
digtype Designate all vein tiles of the same type as the selected tile.
digexp Designate dig patterns for exploratory mining.
filltraffic Set traffic designations using flood-fill starting at the cursor.
gui/blueprint Record a live game map in a quickfort blueprint.
gui/mass-remove Mass select buildings and constructions to suspend or remove.
gui/quickfort Apply layout blueprints to your fort.
gui/stamper Copy, paste, and transform dig designations.
gui/stockpiles Import and export stockpile settings.
infiniteSky Automatically allocate new z-levels of sky
quickfort Apply layout blueprints to your fort.
restrictice Restrict traffic on all tiles on top of visible ice.
restrictliquids Restrict traffic on all visible tiles with liquid.
stockpiles Import, export, or modify stockpile settings.