
Tags: dev

Command: lua

Run Lua script commands.



Start an interactive lua interpreter.

lua -f <filename>, lua --file <filename>

Load the specified file and run the lua script within. The filename is interpreted relative to the Dwarf Fortress game directory.

lua -s [<filename>], lua --save [<filename>]

Load the specified file and run the lua script within. The filename is interpreted relative to the current save directory. If the filename is not supplied, it loads dfhack.lua.

:lua <lua statement>

Parses and executes the given lua statement like the interactive interpreter would.

The last form recognizes shortcut characters from the interactive interpreter for easy inspection of values:

'! foo' => 'print(foo)'
'~ foo' => 'printall(foo)'
'^ foo' => 'printall_recurse(foo)'
'@ foo' => 'printall_ipairs(foo)'


:lua !

Print out the current z-level.