
Tags: dfhack

Command: repeat

Call a DFHack command at a periodic interval.

You can use this utility command to periodically call other DFHack commands. This is especially useful for setting up “maintenance” commands that you want called every once in a while but don’t want to have to remember to run yourself.


repeat [--name <name>] --time <delay> [--timeUnits <units>] --command [ <command> ]

Register the given command to be run periodically.

repeat --list

Show the currently registered commands and their names.

repeat --cancel <name>

Unregister the given registered command.


repeat --name orders-sort --time 600 --command [ orders sort ]

Sort your manager workorders every 600 ticks (about half a day).

repeat --time 10 --timeUnits days --command [ warn-starving ]

Check for starving dwarves and pets every 10 game days.

repeat --cancel warn-starving

Unregister the warn-starving command registered above.


--name <name>

Registers the command under the given name. This ensures you have a memorable identifier for the --list output so you can unregister the command if you want. It also prevents the same command from being registered twice. If not specified, it’s set to the first argument after --command.

--time <delay>

Sets the delay between invocations of the command. It must be a positive integer.

--timeUnits <units>

A unit of time for the value passed with the --time option. Units can be frames (raw FPS), ticks (unpaused game frames), or the in-world time measurements of days, months, or years. If not specified, ticks is the default.

--command [ ... ]

The ... specifies the command to be run, just as you would write it on the commandline. Note that the command must be enclosed in square brackets.

Registering commands

It is common that you want to register the same set of commands every time you load a game. For this, it is convenient to add the repeat commands you want to run to the dfhack-config/init/onMapLoad.init file so they are run whenever you load a fort.