
Tags: dfhack

Command: keybinding

Create hotkeys that will run DFHack commands.

Like any other command, it can be used at any time from the console, but bindings are not remembered between runs of the game unless re-created in dfhack*.init.

Hotkeys can be any combinations of Ctrl/Alt/Shift with A-Z, 0-9, F1-F12, or \` (the key below the Esc key.



Show some useful information, including the current game context.

keybinding list <key>

List bindings active for the key combination.

keybinding clear <key> [<key>...]

Remove bindings for the specified keys.

keybinding add <key> "cmdline" ["cmdline"...]

Add bindings for the specified key.

keybinding set <key> "cmdline" ["cmdline"...]

Clear, and then add bindings for the specified key.

The <key> parameter above has the following case-sensitive syntax:


where the KEY part can be any recognized key and [] denote optional parts.

When multiple commands are bound to the same key combination, DFHack selects the first applicable one. Later add commands, and earlier entries within one add command have priority. Commands that are not specifically intended for use as a hotkey are always considered applicable.

The context part in the key specifier above can be used to explicitly restrict the UI state where the binding would be applicable.

Only bindings with a context tag that either matches the current context fully, or is a prefix ending at a / boundary would be considered for execution, i.e. when in context foo/bar/baz, keybindings restricted to any of @foo/bar/baz, @foo/bar, @foo, or none will be active.

Multiple contexts can be specified by separating them with a pipe (|) - for example, @foo|bar|baz/foo would match anything under @foo, @bar, or @baz/foo.

Interactive commands like liquids cannot be used as hotkeys.


keybinding add Alt-F1 hotkeys

Bind Alt-F1 to run the hotkeys command on any screen at any time.

keybinding add Alt-F@dwarfmode gui/quickfort

Bind Alt-F to run gui/quickfort, but only when on a screen that shows the main map.