Removed tools

This page lists tools (plugins or scripts) that were previously included in DFHack but have been removed. It exists primarily so that internal links still work (e.g. links from the Changelog).


A script to designate an area for digging according to a plan in csv format. Please use DFHack’s more powerful quickfort script instead. You can use your existing .csv files. Just move them to the blueprints folder in your DF installation, and instead of digfort file.csv, run quickfort run file.csv.


Designates furniture for building according to a .csv file with quickfort-style syntax. Please use DFHack’s more powerful quickfort script instead. You can use your existing .csv files. Just move them to the blueprints folder in your DF installation, and instead of fortplan file.csv run quickfort run file.csv.


The corresponding DF bug, Bug 9252 was fixed in DF 0.44.01.