Scripts for Modders

modtools/* scripts provide tools for modders, often with changes to the raw files, and are not intended to be called manually by end-users.

They all have standard arguments: arguments are of the form tool -argName1 argVal1 -argName2 argVal2. This is equivalent to tool -argName2 argVal2 -argName1 argVal1. It is not necessary to provide a value to an argument name: tool -argName3 is fine.

Argument names are preceded with a dash, and supplying the same argument name multiple times will result in an error.

The -help argument to any modtools script will print a descriptive usage string describing the arguments, similar to the documentation here.

For multiple word argument values, brackets must be used: tool -argName4 [ sadf1 sadf2 sadf3 ]. In order to allow passing literal braces as part of the argument, backslashes are used: tool -argName4 [ \] asdf \foo ] sets argName4 to \] asdf foo. The *-trigger scripts have a similar policy with backslashes.


This allows adding and removing syndromes from units.


-syndrome name
    the name of the syndrome to operate on
        "gila monster bite"
-resetPolicy policy
    specify a policy of what to do if the unit already has an
    instance of the syndrome.  examples:
            default behavior: create a new instance of the syndrome
    instead of adding an instance of the syndrome, erase one
    erase every instance of the syndrome
-eraseClass SYN_CLASS
    erase every instance of every syndrome with the given SYN_CLASS
-target id
    the unit id of the target unit
    add the syndrome to the target even if it is immune to the syndrome


This allows running a short simple Lua script passed as an argument instead of running a script from a file. This is useful when you want to do something too complicated to make with the existing modtools, but too simple to be worth its own script file. Example:

anonymous-script "print(args[1])" arg1 arg2
# prints "arg1"


Change the build sidebar menus.

This script provides a flexible and comprehensive system for adding and removing items from the build sidebar menus. You can add or remove workshops/furnaces by text ID, or you can add/remove ANY building via a numeric building ID triplet.

Changes made with this script do not survive a save/load. You will need to redo your changes each time the world loads.

Just to be clear: You CANNOT use this script AT ALL if there is no world loaded!


modtools/change-build-menu start|enable:

enable modtools/change-build-menu:

Start the ticker. This needs to be done before any changes will take effect. Note that you can make changes before or after starting the ticker, both options should work equally well.

modtools/change-build-menu stop|disable:

disable modtools/change-build-menu:

Stop the ticker. Does not clear stored changes. The ticker will automatically stop when the current world is unloaded.

modtools/change-build-menu add <ID> <CATEGORY> [<KEY>]:

Add the workshop or furnace with the ID <ID> to <CATEGORY>. <KEY> is an optional DF hotkey ID.

<CATEGORY> may be one of:
Valid <ID> values for hardcoded buildings are as follows:
  • LOOM
  • TOOL
  • KILN

modtools/change-build-menu remove <ID> <CATEGORY>:

Remove the workshop or furnace with the ID <ID> from <CATEGORY>.

<CATEGORY> and <ID> may have the same values as for the “add” option.

modtools/change-build-menu revert <ID> <CATEGORY>:

Revert an earlier remove or add operation. It is NOT safe to “remove” an “add”ed building or vice versa, use this option to reverse any changes you no longer want/need.

Module Usage:

To use this script as a module put the following somewhere in your own script:

local buildmenu = reqscript "change-build-menu"

Then you can call the functions documented here like so:

  • Example: Remove the carpenters workshop:

    buildmenu.ChangeBuilding("CARPENTERS", "WORKSHOPS", false)
  • Example: Make it impossible to build walls (not recommended!):

    local typ, styp = df.building_type.Construction, df.construction_type.Wall
    buildmenu.ChangeBuildingAdv(typ, styp, -1, "CONSTRUCTIONS", false)

Note that to allow any of your changes to take effect you need to start the ticker. See the “Command Usage” section.

Global Functions:

GetWShopID(btype, bsubtype, bcustom):
GetWShopID returns a workshop’s or furnace’s string ID based on its numeric ID triplet. This string ID should match what is expected by eventful for hardcoded buildings.
GetWShopIDs returns a workshop or furnace’s ID numbers as a table. The passed in ID should be the building’s string identifier, it makes no difference if it is a custom building or a hardcoded one. The return table is structured like so: {type, subtype, custom}
IsEntityPermitted returns true if DF would normally allow you to build a workshop or furnace. Use this if you want to change a building, but only if it is permitted in the current entity. You do not need to specify an entity, the current fortress race is used.

ChangeBuilding(id, category, [add, [key]]):

ChangeBuildingAdv(typ, subtyp, custom, category, [add, [key]]):

These two functions apply changes to the build sidebar menus. If “add” is true then the building is added to the specified category, else it is removed. When adding you may specify “key”, a string DF hotkey ID.

The first version of this function takes a workshop or furnace ID as a string, the second takes a numeric ID triplet (which can specify any building, not just workshops or furnaces).

RevertBuildingChanges(id, category):

RevertBuildingChangesAdv(typ, subtyp, custom, category):
These two functions revert changes made by “ChangeBuilding” and “ChangeBuildingAdv”. Like those two functions there are two versions, a simple one that takes a string ID and one that takes a numeric ID triplet.


Replaces the createitem plugin, with standard arguments. The other versions will be phased out in a later version.


-creator id
    specify the id of the unit who will create the item,
    or \\LAST to indicate the unit with id
-material matstring
    specify the material of the item to be created
-item itemstr
    specify the itemdef of the item to be created
-quality qualitystr
    specify the quality level of the item to be created (df.item_quality)
    examples: Ordinary, WellCrafted, FinelyCrafted, Masterful, or 0-5
    create two of this item
    create two of this item, and set handedness appropriately


Spawns a tree.


-tree treeName
    specify the tree to be created

-age howOld
    set the age of the tree in years (integers only)
    defaults to 1 if omitted

-location [ x y z ]
    create the tree at the specified coordinates
    if omitted, the cursor position is used instead

    modtools/create-tree -tree OAK -age 100 -location [ 33 145 137 ]


Creates a unit. Usage:

-race raceName
    specify the race of the unit to be created

-caste casteName
    specify the caste of the unit to be created
    if omitted, the caste is randomly selected

    tames the unit if it lacks the CAN_LEARN and CAN_SPEAK tokens

-civId id
    Make the created unit a member of the specified civ
    (or none if id = -1).  If id is \\LOCAL, make it a member of the
    civ associated with the fort; otherwise id must be an integer

-groupId id
    Make the created unit a member of the specified group
    (or none if id = -1).  If id is \\LOCAL, make it a member of the
    group associated with the fort; otherwise id must be an integer

    Sets the groupId and civId to the local fort
    Can be used instead of -civId \\LOCAL and -groupId \\LOCAL

-name entityRawName
    Set the unit's name to be a random name appropriate for the
    given entity. \\LOCAL can be specified instead to automatically
    use the fort group entity in fortress mode only

-nick nickname
    set the unit's nickname directly

-location [ x y z ]
    create the unit at the specified coordinates

-age howOld
    set the birth date of the unit by current age
    chosen randomly if not specified

-quantity howMany
    replace "howMany" with the number of creatures you want to create
    defaults to 1 if not specified

-flagSet [ flag1 flag2 ... ]
    set the specified unit flags in the new unit to true
    flags may be selected from df.unit_flags1, df.unit_flags2,
    or df.unit_flags3

-flagClear [ flag1 flag2 ... ]
    set the specified unit flags in the new unit to false
    flags may be selected from df.unit_flags1, df.unit_flags2,
    or df.unit_flags3


Force a unit to equip an item with a particular body part; useful in conjunction with the create scripts above. See also forceequip.


This script writes extra information to the gamelog. This is useful for tools like Soundsense.


This tool triggers events like megabeasts, caravans, and migrants.


-eventType event
    specify the type of the event to trigger
-civ entity
    specify the civ of the event, if applicable


Run a command if the current entity matches a given ID.

To use this script effectively it needs to be called from “raw/onload.init”. Calling this from the main dfhack.init file will do nothing, as no world has been loaded yet.


  • id:
    Specify the entity ID to match
  • cmd [ commandStrs ]:
    Specify the command to be run if the current entity matches the entity given via -id

All arguments are required.


# Print a message if you load an elf fort, but not a dwarf, human, etc # fort. if-entity -id “FOREST” -cmd [ lua “print(‘Dirty hippies.’)” ]


This triggers events when a unit uses an interaction on another. It works by scanning the announcements for the correct attack verb, so the attack verb must be specified in the interaction. It includes an option to suppress this announcement after it finds it.


    unregisters all triggers
-onAttackStr str
    trigger the command when the attack verb is "str". both onAttackStr and onDefendStr MUST be specified
-onDefendStr str
    trigger the command when the defend verb is "str". both onAttackStr and onDefendStr MUST be specified
    delete the attack announcement from the combat logs
    delete the defend announcement from the combat logs
-command [ commandStrs ]
    specify the command to be executed
        \\anything -> \anything
        anything -> anything

You must specify both an attack string and a defend string to guarantee correct performance. Either will trigger the script when it happens, but it will not be triggered twice in a row if both happen.


This tool configurably destroys invader items to prevent clutter or to prevent the player from getting tools exclusive to certain races.


    reset all registered data
-allEntities [true/false]
    set whether it should delete items from invaders from any civ
-allItems [true/false]
    set whether it should delete all invader items regardless of
    type when an appropriate invader dies
-item itemdef
    set a particular itemdef to be destroyed when an invader
    from an appropriate civ dies.  examples:
-entity entityName
    set a particular entity up so that its invaders destroy their
    items shortly after death.  examples:


This powerful tool triggers DFHack commands when a unit equips, unequips, or attacks another unit with specified item types, specified item materials, or specified item contaminants.


    clear all registered triggers
-checkAttackEvery n
    check the attack event at least every n ticks
-checkInventoryEvery n
    check inventory event at least every n ticks
-itemType type
    trigger the command for items of this type
    trigger the command on appropriate weapon strikes
-onEquip mode
    trigger the command when someone equips an appropriate item
    Optionally, the equipment mode can be specified
    Possible values for mode:
    multiple values can be specified simultaneously
    example: -onEquip [ Weapon Worn Hauled ]
-onUnequip mode
    trigger the command when someone unequips an appropriate item
    see above note regarding 'mode' values
-material mat
    trigger the commmand on items with the given material
-contaminant mat
    trigger the command for items with a given material contaminant
-command [ commandStrs ]
    specify the command to be executed
        \\anything -> \anything
        anything -> anything


This is a standardized version of Putnam’s moddableGods script. It allows you to create gods on the command-line.


-name godName
    sets the name of the god to godName
    if there's already a god of that name, the script halts
-spheres [ sphereList ]
    define a space-separated list of spheres of influence of the god
-depictedAs str
    often depicted as a str
-domain str
    set the domain of the god
-description str
    set the description of the god


This allows you to specify certain custom buildings as outside only, or inside only. If the player attempts to build a building in an inappropriate location, the building will be destroyed.


    clears the list of registered buildings
-checkEvery n
    set how often existing buildings are checked for whether they
    are in the appropriate location to n ticks
    specify what sort of restriction to put on the building
-building name
    specify the id of the building


Add, remove, or edit the preferences of a unit. Requires a modifier, a unit argument, and filters.

  • -unit <UNIT ID>:
    The given unit will be affected. If not found/provided, the script will try defaulting to the currently selected unit.

Valid modifiers:

  • -add:
    Add a new preference to the unit. Filters describe the preference’s variables.
  • -remove:
    Remove a preference from the unit. Filters describe what preference to remove.
  • -has:
    Checks if the unit has a preference matching the filters. Prints a message in the console.
  • -removeall:
    Remove all preferences from the unit. Doesn’t require any filters.

Valid filters:

  • -id <VALUE>:
    This is the ID used for all preferences that require an ID. Represents item_type, creature_id, color_id, shape_id, plant_id, poetic_form_id, musical_form_id, and dance_form_id. Text IDs (e.g. “TOAD”, “AMBER”) can be used for all but poetic, musical, and dance.
  • -item, -creature, -color, -shape, -plant, -poetic, -musical, -dance:
    Include one of these to describe what the id argument represents.
  • -type <PREFERENCE TYPE>:
    This describes the type of the preference. Can be entered either using the numerical ID or text id. Run lua @df.unit_preference.T_type for a full list of valid values.
  • -subtype <ID>:
    The value for an item’s subtype
  • -material <ID>:
    The id of the material. For example “MUSHROOM_HELMET_PLUMP:DRINK” or “INORGANIC:IRON”.
  • -state <STATE ID>:
    The state of the material. Values can be the numerical or text ID. Run lua @df.matter_state for a full list of valid values.
  • -active <TRUE/FALSE>:
    Whether the preference is active or not (?)

Other arguments:

  • -help:
    Shows this help page.

Example usage:

  • Like drinking dwarf blood:

    modtools/pref-edit -add -item -id DRINK -material DWARF:BLOOD -type LikeFood


This triggers dfhack commands when projectiles hit their targets. Usage:

    unregister all triggers
    specify a material for projectiles that will trigger the command
-command [ commandList ]
    \\anything -> \anything
    anything -> anything


Trigger random dfhack commands with specified probabilities. Register a few scripts, then tell it to “go” and it will pick one based on the probability weights you specified.

Events are mutually-exclusive - register a list of scripts along with relative weights, then tell the script to select and run one with the specified probabilities. The weights must be positive integers, but they do NOT have to sum to any particular number.

The outcomes are mutually exclusive: only one will be triggered. If you want multiple independent random events, call the script multiple times.

99% of the time, you won’t need to worry about this, but just in case, you can specify a name of a list of outcomes to prevent interference from other scripts that call this one. That also permits situations where you don’t know until runtime what outcomes you want. For example, you could make a modtools/reaction-trigger that registers the worker as a mayor candidate, then run this script to choose a random mayor from the list of units that did the mayor reaction.


-outcomeListName name
    specify the name of this list of outcomes to prevent interference
    if two scripts are registering outcomes at the same time.  If none
    is specified, the default outcome list is selected automatically.
-command [ commandStrs ]
    specify the command to be run if this outcome is selected
    must be specified unless the -trigger argument is given
-weight n
    the relative probability weight of this outcome
    n must be a non-negative integer
    if not specified, n=1 is used by default
    selects a random script based on the specified outcomeList
    (or the default one if none is specified)
    when combined with trigger, preserves the list of outcomes so you
    don't have to register them again.
-withProbability p
    p is a real number between 0 and 1 inclusive
    triggers the command immediately with this probability
-seed s
    sets the random seed for debugging purposes
    (guarantees the same sequence of random numbers will be produced)
    lists the currently registered list of outcomes of the outcomeList
    along with their probability weights, for debugging purposes
    unregister everything


-preserveList is something of a beta feature, which should be avoided by users without a specific reason to use it.

It is highly recommended that you always specify -outcomeListName when you give this command to prevent almost certain interference. If you want to trigger one of 5 outcomes three times, you might want this option even without -outcomeListName.

The list is NOT retained across game save/load, as nobody has yet had a use for this feature. Contact expwnent if you would use it; it’s not that hard but if nobody wants it he won’t bother.


Checks for simple issues with raw files. Can be run automatically.


This triggers dfhack commands when reaction products are produced, once per product. Usage:

    unregister all reaction hooks
-reactionName name
    specify the name of the reaction
-command [ commandStrs ]
    specify the command to be run on the target(s)
    special args
        \\anything -> \anything
        anything -> anything


Triggers dfhack commands when custom reactions complete, regardless of whether it produced anything, once per completion. Arguments:

    unregister all reaction hooks
-reactionName name
    specify the name of the reaction
-syndrome name
    specify the name of the syndrome to be applied to valid targets
    allow other units to be targeted if the worker is invalid or ignored
    allow all valid targets within range to be affected
    if absent:
        if running a script, only one target will be used
        if applying a syndrome, then only one target will be infected
    ignores the worker when selecting the targets
    when selecting targets in range, include creatures that are inactive
    dead creatures count as inactive
-range [ x y z ]
    controls how far elligible targets can be from the workshop
    defaults to [ 0 0 0 ] (on a workshop tile)
    negative numbers can be used to ignore outer squares of the workshop
    line of sight is not respected, and the worker is always within range
-resetPolicy policy
    the policy in the case that the syndrome is already present
        NewInstance (default)
-command [ commandStrs ]
    specify the command to be run on the target(s)
    special args
        \\anything -> \anything
        anything -> anything
    when used with -syndrome, the target must be valid for the syndrome
    otherwise, the command will not be run for that target


Prints useful things to the console and a file to help modders transition from autoSyndrome to modtools/reaction-trigger.

This script is basically an apology for breaking backward compatibility in June 2014, and will be removed eventually.


Changes the beliefs (values) of units. Requires a belief, modifier, and a target.

Valid beliefs:

all:Apply the edit to all the target’s beliefs
belief <ID>:ID of the belief to edit. For example, 0 or LAW.

Valid modifiers:

set <-50-50>:

Set belief to given strength.

tier <1-7>:

Set belief to within the bounds of a strength tier:

Value Strength
1 Lowest
2 Very Low
3 Low
4 Neutral
5 High
6 Very High
7 Highest
modify <amount>:

Modify current belief strength by given amount. Negative values need a \ before the negative symbol e.g. \-1

step <amount>:

Modify current belief tier up/down by given amount. Negative values need a \ before the negative symbol e.g. \-1


Use the default probabilities to set the belief to a new random value.


Belief will be set to cultural default.

Valid targets:

citizens:All (sane) citizens of your fort will be affected. Will do nothing in adventure mode.
unit <UNIT ID>:The given unit will be affected.

If no target is given, the provided unit can’t be found, or no unit id is given with the unit argument, the script will try and default to targeting the currently selected unit.

Other arguments:

help:Shows this help page.
list:Prints a list of all beliefs + their IDs.
noneed:By default, unit’s needs will be recalculated to reflect new beliefs after every run. Use this argument to disable that functionality.
listunit:Prints a list of all a unit’s beliefs. Cultural defaults are marked with *.


Sets and edits unit needs.

Valid commands:

add:Add a new need to the unit. Requires a -need argument, and target. -focus and -level can be used to set starting values, otherwise they’ll fall back to defaults.
remove:Remove an existing need from the unit. Requires a need target, and target.
edit:Change an existing need in some way. Requires a need target, at least one effect, and a target.
revert:Revert a unit’s needs list back to its original selection and need strengths. Focus levels are preserved if the unit has a need before and after. Requires a target.

Valid need targets:

need <ID>:ID of the need to target. For example 0 or DrinkAlcohol. If the need is PrayOrMedidate, a -deity argument is also required.
deity <HISTFIG ID>:
 Required when using PrayOrMedidate needs. This value should be the historical figure ID of the deity in question.
all:All of the target’s needs will be affected.

Valid effects:

focus <NUMBER>:Set the focus level of the targeted need. 400 is the value used when a need has just been satisfied.
level <NUMBER>:Set the need level of the targeted need. Default game values are: 1 (Slight need), 2 (Moderate need), 5 (Strong need), 10 (Intense need)

Valid targets:

citizens:All (sane) citizens of your fort will be affected. Will do nothing in adventure mode.
unit <UNIT ID>:The given unit will be affected.

If no target is given, the provided unit can’t be found, or no unit id is given with the unit argument, the script will try and default to targeting the currently selected unit.

Other arguments:

help:Shows this help page.
list:Prints a list of all needs + their IDs.
listunit:Prints a list of all a unit’s needs, their strengths, and their current focus.
Usage example - Satisfy all citizen’s needs:
modtools/set-need -edit -all -focus 400 -citizens


Changes the personality of units. Requires a trait, modifier, and a target.

Valid traits:

all:Apply the edit to all the target’s traits
trait <ID>:ID of the trait to edit. For example, 0 or HATE_PROPENSITY.

Valid modifiers:

set <0-100>:

Set trait to given strength.

tier <1-7>:

Set trait to within the bounds of a strength tier.

Value Strength
1 Lowest
2 Very Low
3 Low
4 Neutral
5 High
6 Very High
7 Highest
modify <amount>:

Modify current base trait strength by given amount. Negative values need a \ before the negative symbol e.g. \-1

step <amount>:

Modify current trait tier up/down by given amount. Negative values need a \ before the negative symbol e.g. \-1


Set the trait to a new random value.


Sets trait to the creature’s caste’s average value (as defined in the PERSONALITY creature tokens).

Valid targets:

citizens:All (sane) citizens of your fort will be affected. Will do nothing in adventure mode.
unit <UNIT ID>:The given unit will be affected.

If no target is given, the provided unit can’t be found, or no unit id is given with the unit argument, the script will try and default to targeting the currently selected unit.

Other arguments:

help:Shows this help page.
list:Prints a list of all facets + their IDs.
noneed:By default, unit’s needs will be recalculated to reflect new traits after every run. Use this argument to disable that functionality.
listunit:Prints a list of all a unit’s personality traits, with their modified trait value in brackets.


Sets or modifies a skill of a unit. Args:

-skill skillName:
 set the skill that we’re talking about
-mode (add/set):
 are we adding experience/levels or setting them?
-granularity (experience/level):
 direct experience, or experience levels?
-unit id:id of the target unit
-value amount:how much to set/add
-loud:if present, prints changes to console


Creates flows at the specified location.


-material mat
    specify the material of the flow, if applicable
-location [ x y z]
    the location to spawn the flow
-flowType type
    specify the flow type
-flowSize size
    specify how big the flow is


This script spawns liquid at the given coordinates.

Run modtools/spawn-liquid help for usage.


Triggers dfhack commands when syndromes are applied to units.


    clear all triggers
-syndrome name
    specify the name of a syndrome
-command [ commandStrs ]
    specify the command to be executed after infection
        \\anything -> \anything
        anything -> anything


Transforms a unit into another unit type, possibly permanently. Warning: this will crash arena mode if you view the unit on the same tick that it transforms. If you wait until later, it will be fine.


    clear records of normal races
-unit id
    set the target unit
-duration ticks
    how long it should last, or "forever"
    make a record of the previous race so that you can
    change it back with -untransform
    move items back into inventory after transformation
-race raceName
-caste casteName
    don't show the Unit has transformed into a Blah! event
    turn the unit back into what it was before