
Filter items in you fort by various properties (e.g., item type, material, wear-level, quality, …), and perform bulk operations like forbid, dump, melt, and their inverses. By default, the tool does not consider artifacts and owned items. Outputs the number of items that matched the filters and were modified.


item [count|[un]forbid|[un]dump|[un]hide|[un]melt] [<filter options>] [<search>]

The count action counts up the items that are matched by the given filter options. Otherwise, the named property is set (or unset) on all the items matched by the filter options. The counts reported when you actually apply a property might differ from those reported by count, because applying a property skips over all items that already have the property set (see --dry-run)

The (optional) search string will filter by the item description. It will be interpreted as a Lua pattern, so any special regular expression characters (like -) will need to be escaped with % (e.g. %-) to be interpreted as a literal string. See for details. For example “cave spider silk” will match both “cave spider silk web” and “cave spider silk cloth”. Use ^pattern$ to match the entire description.


item count steel -v

Scan your stocks for (unowned) items that contain the word “steel” and print out the counts for each steel item found.

item count --verbose --by-type steel

Scan your stocks for (unowned) items that contain the word “steel” and print out the descriptions of the matched items and the counts, grouped by item type.

item forbid --unreachable

Forbid all items that cannot be reached by any of your citizens.

item unforbid --inside Cavern1 --type wood

Unforbid/reclaim all logs inside the burrow named “Cavern1” (Hint: use 3D flood-fill to create a burrow covering an entire cavern layer).

item melt -t weapon -m steel --max-quality 3

Designate all steel weapons whose quality is at most superior for melting.

item hide -t boulder --scattered

Hide all scattered boulders, i.e. those that are not in stockpiles.

item unhide

Makes all hidden items visible again.


-n, --dry-run

Get a count of the items that would be modified by an operation, which will be the number returned by the count action minus the number of items with the desired property already set.


Only applies to the count action. Outputs, in addition to the total count, a table of item counts grouped by item type.

-a, --include-artifacts

Include artifacts in the item list. Regardless of this setting, artifacts are never dumped or melted.


Include items owned by units (e.g., your dwarves or visitors)


Ignore undisturbed spider webs.

-i, --inside <burrow>

Only include items inside the given burrow.

-o, --outside <burrow>

Only include items outside the given burrow.

-r, --reachable

Only include items reachable by one of your citizens.

-u, --unreachable

Only include items not reachable by any of your citizens.

-t, --type <string>

Filter by item type (e.g., BOULDER, CORPSE, …). Also accepts lower case spelling (e.g. “corpse”). Use :lua @df.item_type to get the list of all item types.

-m, --material <string>

Filter by material the item is made out of (e.g., “iron”).

-c, --mat-category <string>

Filter by material category of the material item is made out of (e.g., “metal”). Use :lua @df.dfhack_material_category to get a list of all material categories.

-w, --min-wear <integer>

Only include items whose wear/damage level is at least integer. Useful values are 0 (pristine) to 3 (XX).

-W, --max-wear <integer>

Only include items whose wear/damage level is at most integer. Useful values are 0 (pristine) to 3 (XX).

-q, --min-quality <integer>

Only include items whose quality level is at least integer. Useful values are 0 (ordinary) to 5 (masterwork). Use :lua @df.item_quality to get the mapping between numbers and adjectives.

-Q, --max-quality <integer>

Only include items whose quality level is at most integer. Useful values are 0 (ordinary) to 5 (masterwork).


Only include items that are in stockpiles. Does not include empty bins, barrels, and wheelbarrows assigned as storage and transport for stockpiles.


Opposite of --stockpiled


Only include items that have all provided flag set to true. Valid flags are: forbid (or forbidden), dump, hidden, melt, and owned.


Only include items that have all provided flag set to false. Valid flags the same as for --marked.


Same as --not-marked=hidden

-v, --verbose

Print out a description of each matched item.


The item script can be called programmatically by other scripts, either via the commandline interface with dfhack.run_script() or via the API functions defined in item.lua, available from the return value of reqscript('item'):

  • execute(action, conditions, options [, return_items])

Performs action (forbid, melt, etc.) on all items satisfying conditions (a table containing functions from item to boolean). options is a table containing the boolean flags artifact, dryrun, bytype, and owned which correspond to the (filter) options described above.

The function execute performs no output, but returns three values:

  1. the number of matching items

  2. a table containing all matched items, if return_items is provided and true.

  3. a table containing a mapping from numeric item types to their occurrence count, if options.bytype=true

  • executeWithPrinting(action, conditions, options)

Performs the same action as execute and performs the same output as the item tool, but returns nothing.

The API provides a number of helper functions to aid in the construction of the filter table. The first argument tab is always the table to which the filter should be added. The final negate argument is optional, passing { negate = true } negates the added filter condition. Below, only the positive version of the filter is described.

  • condition_burrow(tab, burrow, negate)

    Corresponds to --inside. The burrow argument must be a burrow object, not a string.

  • condition_type(tab, match, negate)

    If match is a string, this corresponds to --type <match>. Also accepts numbers, matching against item:getType().

  • condition_reachable(tab, negate)

    Corresponds to --reachable.

  • condition_description(tab, pattern, negate)

    Corresponds to the search string passed on the commandline.

  • condition_material(tab, match, negate)

    Corresponds to --material <match>.

  • condition_matcat(tab, match, negate)

    Corresponds to --mat-category <match>.

  • condition_wear(tab, lower, upper, negate)

    Selects items with wear level between lower and upper (Range 0-3, see above).

  • condition_quality(tab, lower, upper, negate)

    Selects items with quality between lower and upper (Range 0-5, see above).

  • condition_stockpiled(tab, negate)

    Corresponds to --stockpiled.

  • condition_[forbid|melt|dump|hidden|owned](tab, negate)

    Selects items with the respective flag set to true (e.g., condition_forbid checks for item.flags.forbid).

API usage example:

local itemtools = reqscript('item')
local cond = {}

itemtools.condition_type(cond, "BOULDER")
itemtools.execute('unhide', cond, {}) -- reveal all boulders

itemtools.condition_stockpiled(cond, { negate = true })
itemtools.execute('hide', cond, {})   -- hide all boulders not in stockpiles